Alliance Française Bordeaux Alliance Française Bordeaux

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Welcome to Alliance Française

Bordeaux Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Located in the center of Bordeaux, the Alliance Française Bordeaux Nouvelle-Aquitaine offers French courses all year round and for all levels. A major reference for learning French as a foreign language, our courses are taught by qualified and experienced teachers.

Also an examination centre, our establishment allows you to take official diplomas and tests (DELF/DALF, TCF, TEF… ) in order to validate your language skills.

    5 good reasons to come to AF Bordeaux

    More than 3000 foreign students trained each year
    FLE Quality Label and Qualiopi certification
    Official examination centre
    Qualified and experienced teachers
    Varied cultural activities
    the capital of wine and gastronomy!
    What’s new at AF Bordeaux ?
    Our latest news

    Follow all the news of the Alliance Française Bordeaux Nouvelle-Aquitaine

    Dernière Actu
    3 May 2024
    FFL training for qualified teachers

    For over 15 years, the Alliance Française de Bordeaux has been offering training courses for teachers of French as a…

    “The AFBNA belongs to the international network of the Alliances Françaises, which brings together more than 800 associations under local law in more than 135 countries. This vast network is represented by the Alliance Française Foundation, recognised as a public utility”.