You want to learn or improve your proficiency in French for professional purposes?
You have several options: you can use your Professional Training Account (Compte Personnel de Formation), or have your training financed by Pôle Emploi or your company.
Thanks to our Qualiopi certification, all our courses are eligible for professional training funding.
Find out how to access this depending on your situation below.
The Professional Training Account (Compte Personnel de Formation - CPF)
Your Professional Training Account (Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF)) enables you to acquire training rights and credits that you can use throughout your working life.
With your CPF, you can choose any of the French courses offered by the Alliance Française de Bordeaux. Click here to find out more about our training courses available on the CPF platform.
A decree dated April 29, 2024 sets new obligations for the use of the CPF since May 2, 2024. A mandatory flat-rate contribution of €102.23 has been introduced for people in employment wishing to use their personal training account.
Please note that when you register via the CPF, you are obliged to register for the TCF exam in order to finalise and certify your training. The other exams we offer cannot be funded by the CPF.
Who is it aimed at?
The CPF is available to all employees, whether French or foreign, working or having worked in France. You retain these rights even if you change employers or lose your job.
How does it work?
The costs of the training are covered up to your available CPF amount.
– Each year your account is automatically credited with €500 if you have worked full-time. The maximum amount is €5000.
– For low-skilled workers and employees recognised as disabled, the fund is topped up by €800 a year. The maximum amount is €8000.
– If you work part-time, your entitlement is calculated on a pro rata basis.
How can I register for AF Bordeaux courses using my CPF account?
Then you need to create a verified digital identity to access our training courses. To do this, you have 3 options:
– Directly and quickly online via this link (only available to holders of a French identity document or a residence permit valid for more than 5 years): L’Identité Numérique avec La Poste
– By completing this form and sending it by post: Formulaire Identité Numérique – Alternative Process
– By visiting your nearest post office.
Once you have created your account and verified your identity, you can access all our training courses by clicking here
Click on “request a quote”. We will receive your request.
We will contact you to propose the dates of the training course and the TCF exam (IRN or TP). We will validate your request once we have received your confirmation.
Log in to your CPF account to accept the course.
We will send you a confirmation email with all the details.
The Alliance Française of Bordeaux will assist you for the creation of your account and the funding of your training course! Ask for our French level test and we will contact you for a quick oral interview to establish your training programme.
Any other question? Find out more here and watch our video tutorial:
You are looking for a job and you want to improve your proficiency in French?
Alliance Française Bordeaux can help you create your training project.
To have your training financed by France Travail (formerly Pôle Emploi), simply take our level test (to be requested by email) and give us your France Travail ID. Once your test has been corrected and you have spoken to our training department by telephone, we will submit a quotation for your needs on the Kairos platform (an exchange platform between France Travail and the training organisation).
You can also supplement the funding provided by France Travail with your CPF if you need to.
You want your employees to improve their proficiency in French?
We can assist you in developing a training project for your employees, and create a tailor-made pedagogical program adapted to your constraints (courses on-site, online, in our premises; schedules according to the availability of your employees; budget).
As our establishment is Qualiopi-certified, the cost of our training courses can be financed by the OPCO of your company.